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Marinated Chicken Breast in Shiso - donburi (rice bowl)
Have you heard about shiso leaves? Shiso is a Japanese perilla called a "Japanese herb." I can find the shiso leaves in Japanese grocery...
Vegan Miso Ramen/Somen Soup
Ramen soup is generally made from pork, chicken bones, or dried fish or combined with kombu and vegetables. I have been eating meat a...
Dandelion & Nori seaweed Salad
One of my favorite greens is "Dandelion green." Dandelion green is a powerhouse vegetable and has health benefits - help good liver,...
Marinated Maitake Mushrooms & Mitsuba Salad
Mood swing, stress, fatigue..? This recipe is for you: Marinated Maitake mushrooms Mitsuba Salad. Maitake is a Japanese mushroom and a...
Turmeric Risotto:ターメリックとアスパラのリゾット
カリフォルニアのDr.Ozawaの監修「ナチュロパシー」に掲載させて頂きました。 材料:2~3人分 ♥ 玄米 1カップ (200cc) ♥ 野菜スープストック 500ml ♥ にんにく 1かけ ♥ 玉ねぎ 中1/2個 ♥ アスパラガス 4本 ♥ ...
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